  Sorry we haven't done anything in a long time.  We've been really busy for a long time.  Our only animator is starting to work for YinYang Studios so that's one of the reasons why.  But don't worry about it, we got some people to help us.  You must understand that this isn't just an episode, it's an entire series so we are still trying to figure things out and why there are so many changes.  We'll have content out soon!  In other news, we've planned the first three episodes for the series.  We won't reveal anything just yet, but soon when we have more stuff completed.  Stay tuned for more information and release dates so you guys don't have to smash your faces on your keyboards anymore.  See you next time!
    So today we got a bronysquare page.  With over 500 page views and a lot of people excited for this, we said, "why not".  So, if you have a bronysquare, visit our page, brohoof us, and become a member of Ponyville High School!  Link is under the home tab or just click on the picture below

Hammer Bell asks: (don't post this on the website, please) Just wondering how the new characters coming? Could I get a preview sometime soon?

    A). Sorry for posting this, but it's a great question
    B). The new characters are actually coming along great.  As you all may have seen, we are going with the cell shading style.  We are having some trouble recoloring the puppets, but it's moving along.
    C). Preview for things are coming soon as well.  We are very close to finishing our first animation, so soon!

    I hope this clears up some questions for people, but don't be afraid to ask questions guys.  We have open ears.
        - Silicon Tech


    Yes, that's right, Wooden Toaster's brother is joining us.  We are happy to have him with us on this show.  We'll be updating the site soon, adding him and some other things with the characters and crew!  Stay tuned!
Yay the forums are back and they actually work!  You can go to them by mousing over the home button and clicking forums.  You'll also see a link to get to our rainbowdash.net group

ZephyrSXD asks - "Quick question, why so many alicorns? I mean, one might be okay but three? Alicorns are mostly royalty, from what has been shown so far"

Well to give you an honest answer, I have know idea.  I (silicon Tech) created my OC as an alicorn for reasons unknown, even to myself.  The other, I'm not exactly sure, but putting the whole royalty thing into picture will definitely put an interesting spin on the show!
        -Silicon Tech

Ask any question on the POST IT! page

So if you guys didn't notice, we had a banner change.  On top of that, we are doing the show in a cell shading style, so it's apart from MLP-FIM (even though it pretty much already is with all the randomness (pinkie pie!!!)).  Also, our newest member of the crew has been added to the character and crew page.  He's British, 'nuff said.  Thanks for all the support guys and don't forget about our rainbow dash network group (link below) and our don't forgive to subscribe to our channel (button for that at the top and the side).  Thanks again guys and stay tuned!
        -Web Manager

    Ok, so all of us enjoyed the idea of having a forum, but it has not worked out so well for us. So unless a bunch of people want forums or our show gets really popular for some reason, the forums won't exist.  If you want to say something about the matter, comment on this post, or go to the POST IT! page and tell us what you think.  Hope to see you soon!
                    -Silicon Tech

P.S. - We're thinking about starting a "Character Blog" for the characters to post on for some interesting reads.  Just saying>
We are so close to being done with our first animation so expect that soon!  Also we have a new member on our team of character.  His character info will be added to the character list soon!  Our motive for the show has changed.  It has gone from being a scripted, linear story line type show to a show of complete randomness that is unscripted and not planned.  I can't say to much about everything, you know, secrets (because they are secrets).  We are currently redeveloping our forum as the old decided not to work, we're not sure when we'll release the new version of that.  Some other changes that may come along are:
        - How seasons are based
        - How episodes are based
        - Recordings of episodes and how they are done
        - And soundscaping

We were able to get a pack of sound that are used in the show so we don't have to worry about creating our own for our show.  Though there might be a couple of time where we may have to (computers, phones, our own voices, heheh, ok back on topic).  So that's about it.  We hope to release the first episode soon!
    We are sorry for the very long wait, it shouldn't be taking us this long but we have just been very busy these past few months.  The forum is almost done, the promo should be uploaded soon, and the first episode should be up in a couple of weeks, but we really don't know.  We are sorry for the long wait and we hope to finish soon.