Sorry the forums have been down for so long, I've been working very hard on fixing the coding and all, but it should be up soon. Also, yes we didn't make it to the PMVtoday.com contest because we all have been very busy (personal lives and such), but we are shooting for the first episode to come out in August, don't know when though.  By then, we will have a youtube channel for the show, hopefully have the forums up, and tons of other stuff, such as promos, downloads, etc.  Sorry for leaving you guys in the dark for so long, but we aren't dead at least and we're not giving up either, we're just a little slow.  Be here August because we should have an episode out.  P.S. - New promo, soon, maybe a couple days from now, don't know though.  We are adding a tab to the website called media, everything promo, download, or tutorial related will go there.  Keep checking that tab and the blog for when the promo is coming out.  See you guys soon!

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