We are so close to being done with our first animation so expect that soon!  Also we have a new member on our team of character.  His character info will be added to the character list soon!  Our motive for the show has changed.  It has gone from being a scripted, linear story line type show to a show of complete randomness that is unscripted and not planned.  I can't say to much about everything, you know, secrets (because they are secrets).  We are currently redeveloping our forum as the old decided not to work, we're not sure when we'll release the new version of that.  Some other changes that may come along are:
        - How seasons are based
        - How episodes are based
        - Recordings of episodes and how they are done
        - And soundscaping

We were able to get a pack of sound that are used in the show so we don't have to worry about creating our own for our show.  Though there might be a couple of time where we may have to (computers, phones, our own voices, heheh, ok back on topic).  So that's about it.  We hope to release the first episode soon!

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